Operation Plan Template Page 29


[Month Day, Year]
[Organization Name] Manual ####.#
See Appendix B for continuity communications specific to [Organization Name] and to each
office and division.
, T
This section identifies the various test, training, and exercise activities necessary to keep the
Devolution of Operations Plan for your organization current and correct. These requirements
should meet those required by Federal Continuity Directive 1. Sample text for this section
The following actions are required to ensure that all personnel are ready and able to execute the
Devolution of Operations Plan:
• Annual devolution of operations briefing to all [Organization Name] ERG and DERG
personnel involved in devolution of operations planning by the [enter name of
office/division with this responsibility];
• Annual testing of the [Organization Name] active and passive Devolution of Operations
Plan activation mechanisms;
• Annual training for the DERG members on their respective devolution of operations
responsibilities and the requirements necessary to attain full operational capability;
• Annual testing and exercising of the [Organization Name] Devolution of Operations
Plan to address how the organization will identify and conduct its essential functions
during an increased threat situation or in the aftermath of a catastrophic emergency from
the devolution of operations sites; and
• At least quarterly updates by each [Organization Name] office and division to their
devolution of operations counterpart regarding day-to-day operations, issues, and any
changes to essential functions, vital records, orders of succession, or other continuity-
related items.
All devolution of operations preparedness and training activities are documented in writing,
including the dates of all TT&E activities and names of participating staff. This documentation
is found at [enter document name and location].
The [Organization Name] Corrective Action Program (CAP) supports the devolution of
operations program to assist in documenting, prioritizing, and resourcing continuity issues
identified during devolution of operations TT&E activities, assessments, and emergency
operations. The [Organization Name] CAP incorporates evaluations, after-action reports, and
lessons learned from a cycle of events into the development and implementation of its CAP. The
[Organization Name] CAP is maintained by [insert office/title] and CAP documentation is
found at [insert location].


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