Operation Plan Template Page 12


[Month Day, Year]
[Organization Name] Manual ####.#
• Devolution of Operations Point-of-Contact (POC): The designated individual from
each [Organization Name] office and division and their corresponding counterparts
whose duties involve coordination and implementation of the [Organization Name]
Devolution of Operations Plan for his/her respective organization.
• Devolution of Operations Sites: The facilities where the Devolution Emergency
Response Group conducts the essential functions of
[Organization Name]
operating facility.
• Emergency Relocation Group (ERG): Pre-designated staff who move to an alternate
facility to continue essential functions in the event that their normal work locations are
threatened or have been incapacitated by an incident.
• Essential Functions: The critical activities performed by organizations, especially after a
disruption of normal activities. There are three categories of essential functions: NEFs,
PMEFs, and MEFs.
• Mission Essential Functions (MEFs) – The limited set of agency-level Government
functions that must be continued throughout, or resumed rapidly after, a disruption of
normal activities.
• National Essential Functions (NEFs) – The eight functions the President and the
Nation’s leadership will focus on to lead and sustain the Nation during a catastrophic
emergency; NEFs, therefore, must be supported by COOP and COG capabilities.
• National Terrorism Advisory System (NTAS) –NTAS communicates information
about terrorist threats by providing timely, detailed information to the public, government
agencies, first responders, airports and other transportation hubs, and the private sector.
• Primary Mission Essential Functions (PMEFs) – Those department and agency
Mission Essential Functions, validated by the NCC, which must be performed in order to
support the performance of NEFs before, during, and in the aftermath of an emergency.
PMEFs need to be continuous or resumed within 12 hours after an event and maintained
for up to 30 days or until normal operations can be resumed.
• Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD): Weapons that are capable of killing a lot of
people and/or causing a high-order magnitude of destruction, or weapons that are capable
of being used in such a way as to cause mass casualties or create large-scale destruction.
WMDs are generally considered to be nuclear, biological, chemical, and radiological
devices, but WMDs can also be high-explosive devices.


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