Operation Plan Template Page 10


[Month Day, Year]
[Organization Name] Manual ####.#
• National Response Framework, January 2008.
• Department of Homeland Security Management Directive 9300.1, Continuity of
Operations Programs and Continuity of Government Functions.
• [Enter additional authorities here].
The references section should include the different regulations that govern the procedures and
logistics included in your plan. Having these references will allow readers to cross-reference
the guidance documents related to the procedures and logistics included in your plan. Sample
text for this section includes:
• Title 44, Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Part 2, Subpart A – Organization,
Functions, and Delegations of Authority, dated October 1, 2005.
• Title 41, CFR 102-74.230 through 74.260, Occupant Emergency Program, revised on
July 1, 2005.
• Title 36, CFR Part 1236, Management of Vital Records, revised on July 1, 2005.
[Organization Name] Continuity of Operations Plan, dated [enter date of approval
• [Enter continuity facility name here] Site Support Procedures, [Organization Name]
Continuity of Operations, dated [enter the procedures or manual date of approval
• [Enter additional references here].
Your organization’s devolution of operations plan needs to specify some key responsibilities up
front regarding planning, plan completion, and plan maintenance. The responsibilities section
should identify the parties who will play a part in one or more of these areas. Sample text for
this section includes:
• The [enter the responsible office/division within your organization] has the lead in
planning for [Organization Name] devolution of operations, to include the development
of the plan and procedures that enable the devolution of operations counterpart
organizations to assume the mission and essential functions of [Organization Name];
• The [Organization Name] offices and divisions are responsible for ensuring their
devolution counterparts are trained, equipped, and have access to all vital records,
databases, and supporting materials to facilitate the immediate transition of essential
functions and sensitive responsibilities from the [Organization Name] primary operating
facility to the new devolution facility;


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