Part 14
Requirements of the British Columbia Fire Code
Check/test/inspect requirements of the British Columbia Fire Code:
To assist you in fulfilling your obligations, included is a list of the portions of the Fire
Code that requires checks, inspections and/or tests to be conducted of the facilities. It
is suggested that you read over this list and perform or have performed the necessary
checks, inspections and/or tests for the items which may apply to your property.
Fire Prevention Officers may check to ensure that the necessary checks, inspections
and/or tests are being done, when conducting their inspections.
This list has been prepared for purposes of convenience only. For accurate reference,
the Fire Code should be consulted.
Definitions for key words are as follows:
means visual observation to ensure the device or system is in place and is not
obviously damaged or obstructed
means the operation of a device or system to ensure that it will perform in
accordance with its intended operation or function
means physical examination to determine that the device or system will
apparently perform in accordance with its intended function
It is stated in the Fire Code that records of all tests and corrective measures are required
to be retained for a period of two years after they are made.
Nelson Fire & Rescue Services
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