Church Voting Ballot


20___ Sample Ballot
The Nominating Committee presents for 20___ office the following nominees, whom we find well qualified to serve,
and for whom we thank God. Please note that two important positions (Secretary and Pastoral Relations Committee
Board member) remain with a nominee.
The election will be held at the annual meeting, Sunday, [Date of annual meeting].
Officers (one year terms); vote for one candidate for each office
John Doe
Vice Chair
Joe Smith
(No Nominee)
Jane Williams
(Note the 5
Board office, President of Covenant Women, remains vacant)
At-Large Elders (one, two, or three year terms); vote for 5
(No Nominee)
(No Nominee)
Note: Continuing At-Large Elder is
Sunday School Supt.
Asst. Sun. School Supt.
Head Usher
Conference Liaison
Pastoral Relations Committee
(No Nominee)
Auditors (vote for two)
According to the Church Bylaws, Article __, Section ___: “Other candidates for office may be added by a petition
signed by two (2) or more active members of the church and filed with the Nominating Committee at least two days
prior to the election.”
Therefore please file any such petitions with [Name] (phone number and email address], chair of the Nominating
Committee, by Friday, [Date]. The Committee also recommends that members who wish to add a candidate discuss
their intention with the Committee before formally asking the nominee, since we may have already considered
Respectfully submitted,
Your Nominating Committee (Names…)


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