Program Management Plan Page 23


Geospatial LoB Program Management Plan
Document Coordination
The Grant Thornton team keeps all documents produced by work groups and takes responsibility for
version control, archiving documents, and converting draft documents from work groups into approved
LoB formats. At the request of the Work Group Leads or Managing Partner Team, the Grant Thornton
team distributes draft documents for comment and produces analyses of comments received to help
appropriate parties easily understand what decisions need to be made with respect to comments. The
Grant Thornton team will post draft and final versions of documents onto QuickPlace for easy reference
and retrieval by work group members.
Work Plan Development and Maintenance
The Grant Thornton Team assists the work groups in refining and pursuing their Work plans, tracks
progress on all work group deliverables, and maintains current versions of those plans. Grant Thornton,
in conjunction with the Work Group Leads use the QuickPlace portal to help facilitate the development
and maintenance of the work plans.
Last Updated 6/19/2008


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