Long Distance Parenting Plan Page 4


The Do’s and Don’ts of Long Distance Parenting
Both Parents
Maintain healthy communication with your children.
Make it a priority to communicate regularly with the other parent.
Religiously follow the long distance parenting plan to make the process routine, easy and
positive for your children.
Strive to keep your word to the children.
Contact the other parent immediately if there is an emergency involving the children while they
are with you.
Be uncooperative. The children will suffer consequences if their parents do not cooperate.
The Local Parent
(The parent with whom the child primarily resides)
Share information about school, teachers, activities, friends and relatives with the Away
Be flexible and supportive of the children’s relationship with the Away Parent.
Encourage excitement for the anticipated communication and/or travel with the Away
Edit, coach, monitor, or otherwise interfere with the children's communication with the
Away Parent.
Take it personally if the children do not wish to call you regularly when they are with the
other parent.
The Away Parent
(The parent with whom the child travels to share time)
Make an extra assertive effort to initiate contact with the children and educate yourself of
their daily activities.
Provide an itinerary to the other parent to prepare the children for the trip and to advise the
other parent of the activities you are planning.
Strive to keep your word to the children.
Take it personally if the children do not wish to stay on the phone too long or do not call
right back.
Don’t unreasonably limit the children's contact with the local parent during their stay.
LDPP Instructions rev. 9/09/08


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