Long Distance Parenting Plan Page 18


 The child shall be permitted to fly out of the following airports: ______________________________
 The Local parent shall have the right to designate what airport(s) the child departs from in his or her
 The Away parent shall have the right to designate what airport(s) the child departs from in his or her
 The child shall never be booked on a flight with more than ________ connection(s).
√ Check all that apply
Restrictions for Out of Country Travel:
 Is permitted when notice is provided to the other parent ________ days in advance. Such notice shall
provide the child(ren)’s itinerary, travel mode, address and contact information for each destination of
 Is not permitted without the prior written consent of the other parent. Such consent shall provide the
child(ren)’s itinerary, travel mode, address and contact information for each destination of travel.
 Travel is permitted only to countries that are signatory members of the Hague Convention on Civil
Aspects of Child Abduction.
 If the other parent travels to such a country that is not a member of the Hague Convention, they shall
provide the non-traveling parent an open ended round trip airline ticket in case the child(ren) are not
Check one (excludes holidays and Summer Vacation)
 Parent "A" is Away Parent.
Parent "B" is Local Parent
Fill in which days each Parent (A or B) will spend over night time with the child(ren):
Wednesday Thursday Friday
Week One
Parent __
Parent __
Parent __
Parent __
Parent __
Parent __
Parent __
Week Two
Parent __
Parent __
Parent __
Parent __
Parent __
Parent __
Parent __
Week Three
Parent __
Parent __
Parent __
Parent __
Parent __
Parent __
Parent __
Week Four
Parent __
Parent __
Parent __
Parent __
Parent __
Parent __
Parent __
Begins: √Check Beginning Time
 End of school day
 _____ p.m.
 _____ a.m. on the day after the end of school day
Ends: √Check Ending Time
 Beginning of school day
 _____ p.m. on the day before beginning of school
 If away parent is visiting within a 25 mile area of where the child(ren) are located, the away parent
shall have additional time sharing provided they have given _____ hours notice.
Basic LDPP
Page 10 of 24
Rev. 9/09/08


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