Long Distance Parenting Plan Page 17


 The tardy parent will deposit $50 in the child(ren)'s savings account within seven days.
√ Check all that apply
B. If Using Public Transportation:
 Cost of transportation of a child for visits with the away parent is to be
 Mother _____ %
 Father _____%
Paid by:
 Cost of transportation of an adult to accompany the child during travel to the away parent is to be
 Mother _____ %
 Father _____%:
Paid by:
 If a child misses a travel connection, any additional costs incurred to book a substitute connection
shall be the sole responsibility of the parent who fails to get the child to the missed connection.
 The parents shall work together to purchase one round trip ticket whenever possible so long as it is
the least expensive travel alternative.
 In the event the parents are not able to cooperate, the following plan shall apply: ________________
 If the parents are sharing travel costs, the non-purchasing parent shall reimburse the other parent
within 14 days of receipt of documentation establishing the travel cost.
 The parents shall exchange travel information and finalize travel plans at least 14 days in advance of
the date of travel.
 Except in cases of an emergency, any parent requesting a change of travel plans less than 14 days in
advance of the date of travel shall by solely responsible for any additional costs.
√ Check only one
Unless otherwise agreed, to begin a visit:
 the Local Parent shall take the child to the airport and place the child on the flight.
 the Away Parent shall pick up the child at the airport where the child lives.
 the Away Parent shall pick up the child at the airport where the Away parent lives.
 the parents agree to meet in the following location:__________________________________
√ Check only one
Unless otherwise agreed, at the end of a visit:
 the Away Parent shall fly with the child and return him or her to the local parent’s residence.
 the Away Parent shall fly with the child and the Local Parent shall meet the child(ren) at the
 the Away Parent shall take the child to the airport and place the child on the flight.
 the parents agree to meet in the following location:__________________________________
√ Check all that apply
C. Restrictions for Airline Travel:
 Until a child reaches the age of __________, the parents agree that the child will take a direct flight
and/or fly accompanied by _______________________________________.
 Once a child reaches the age of ___________ the child shall be permitted to fly accompanied by an
airline employee.
Basic LDPP
Page 9 of 24
Rev. 9/09/08


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