Long Distance Parenting Plan Page 12


 The parent with the minor child(ren) shall transport the minor child(ren) to and/or from all mutually
agreed upon extra-curricular activities, providing all necessary uniforms and equipment are within the
parent’s possession.
 The costs of the extra-curricular activities shall be
 Mother _____ %
 Father _____%
Paid by:
 The uniforms and equipment required for extra-curricular activities shall be
 Mother _____ %
 Father _____%
Paid by:
 Other: ______________________________________________________________________
 No changes can occur without the written consent of both parents or court order.
 If the child(ren) attend summer camps, the costs and efforts shall be:
 Parent scheduled to have the child(ren) during that time period; or
Paid by:
 Mother _____ %
 Father _____%
Parents shall discuss all medical, psychological, counseling, therapeutic, optical, orthodontic, dental or
other health related care and needs of the child(ren).
In the event of serious illness, accident or hospitalization affecting the health of the child(ren), the
parent with the knowledge of such event shall immediately notify the other parent.
 A parent scheduling a routine appointment for the child(ren) shall notify the other parent within 7
days, in writing, that the appointment occurred. The notice shall include the health care provider’s name
and contact information.
√ Check all that apply
 A parent scheduling a routine appointment for the child(ren) will give the other parent ____ days
notice in advance of the appointment to allow the other parent to attend.
 Uncovered medical expenses of the child(ren) shall be
 Mother _____ %
 Father _____%
Paid by:
 Uncovered dental and/or orthodontic expenses of the child(ren) shall be
 Mother _____ %
 Father _____%
Paid by:
 Uncovered psychological, counseling, therapeutic or other health related needs of the child(ren)
expenses shall be
 Mother _____ %
 Father _____%
Paid by:
√ Check all that apply
 Each parent may provide religious instruction in the faith they so desire.
 The parents have agreed that the child(ren)’s religious training shall be in the faith of :
A. The costs of such training shall be
 Mother _____ %
 Father _____%
Paid by:
B. The efforts and transportation needed for training shall be
 Mother _____ %
 Father _____%
Paid by:
Basic LDPP
Page 4 of 24
Rev. 9/09/08


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