Long Distance Parenting Plan Page 11


▪To develop an independent and meaningful relationship with the other parent,and to respect the
differences of each parent and their home; and
▪To be absent, insulated and protected from the parents’ differences with each other and
arguments or discussions; and
▪Be free of negative comments and behavior by one parent about the other; and
▪To be absent, insulated and protected from disparaging, belittling or alienating statements about
the other parent; and
▪To not be used as a messenger, delivery means or means of communication with the other
parent; and
▪To not be questioned about the other parent.
The children shall be enrolled in school by: √ Check only one
 Mother
 Father
NOTE: This assignment does not determine where the child(ren) shall attend school. That
determination shall be made by the school district rules.
The child(ren) shall attend (if known): √ Check all that apply
 Child Care:___________________________________________________________________
 Mother _____ %
 Father _____%
Paid by:
 Pre-School: __________________________________________________________________
 Mother _____ %
 Father _____%
Paid by:
 Public School
 Private School: _______________________________________________________________
 Mother _____ %
 Father _____%
Paid by:
 Before School Program:_______________________________________________________
 Mother _____ %
 Father _____%
Paid by:
 After School Program:________________________________________________________
 Mother _____ %
 Father _____%
Paid by:
 Special Education:____________________________________________________________
 Mother _____ %
 Father _____%
Paid by:
 Home School: Taught by:  Mother
 Father
 Other: _______________________
 Tutoring:_____________________________________________________________________
 Mother _____ %
 Father _____%
Paid by:
√ Check all that apply
Extra-curricular Activities:
 Either parent may register the child(ren) and allow them to participate in the activity of the
child(ren)’s choice.
 The parents must mutually agree to all extra-curricular activities.
Basic LDPP
Page 3 of 24
Rev. 9/09/08


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