Sample Roommate Agreement


Roommate Agreement
We have signed a lease/rental agreement for (address of unit rented) on (date of agreement to begin). We hope
that all roommates will equally share all responsibilities of renting. Therefore, we have prepared and are willing to
sign this document.
This agreement will remain in effect from x to x. If for any reason a roommate should move out before the date
show, under the lease/rental agreement, the deporting roommate will be held responsible until a replacement is
found. If a substitute roommate is found, the remaining roommates(s) must approve of him/her. The departing
roommate should notify the landlord, as well as the other roommate(s), within 30 days, so that the proper
arrangements can be made. The roommate who is leaving is still obligated to the landlord in terms of the lease
and is accountable to find a new roommate to be responsible for the duration of the lease/rental agreement. The
following roommates are included in this agreement:
Rent amount is $_______. Amount each roommate is responsible for: $_______.
Date rent is due: _________.
Roommates have a deposit of $______ each, totaling $______. Each roommate is responsible for his/her share of
the charge associated with damages. If the cause cannot be determined, the roommates will split the cost evenly.
If pets are permitted under the lease, each pet owner shall be responsible for any damages caused by his/her pet.
Household Supplies
A single ledger will be kept of all supplies purchased by each roommate. Supplies include such things as paper
towels, toilet paper, cleaning fluids, dish detergent, foil, trash bags, scrubs and any other goods needed for the
home that will be shared by all roommates.
Food and Grocery Shopping
Food expenses shall be shared by all roommates. Preparation of meals shall be determined by an
attached schedule or food is to be bought by each roommate. There will be no borrowing of food.
Personal Property
All roommates agree to refrain from borrowing roommates personal items without prior approval.
Exceptions to this should be clearly stated with the roommates reserving the right to change their minds
about sharing their items and updating this agreement. Property that is borrowed will be used respectfully
and returned in the same condition, and if not the roommate responsible for damage will be held liable.
All roommates agree to share the responsibilities of cleaning and maintenance. The roommates have decided to
develop a schedule, which is attached. It states when each roommate will complete cleaning and maintenance jobs.
Kitchen Clean-Up
Each roommate agrees to do his/her own dishes. A schedule of kitchen clean-up may be attached.


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