Instructions For Form 8966 (2015) Page 7


respect to each specified U.S. person that owns certain
Withholding Agent Reporting
equity or debt interests in the ODFFI in accordance with
A withholding agent (other than an FFI reporting accounts
Regulations section 1.1471-3(d)(6)(iv)(A)(1) and (2),
maintained by such FFI under the account reporting rules
identification of the specified U.S. person (name, address,
described earlier in Accounts and Withholdable Payments
and TIN), account number, account balance or value,
Required To Be Reported), files Form 8966 to report the
certain enumerated payments with respect to the account
following in connection with a withholdable payment.
(described in Part IV), and such other information as may
Amounts paid to an ODFFI. With respect to each
be required on Form 8966 or by these instructions. A
ODFFI payee, on a separate Form 8966 for each
separate Form 8966 must be filed for each such specified
specified U.S. person that owns certain equity or debt
U.S. person. See Regulations sections 1.1471-3(d)(6)(iv)
interests in the ODFFI in accordance with Regulations
(A)(1) and (2), and 1.1471-4(d)(3)(iv)(B).
section 1.1471-3(d)(6)(iv)(A)(1) and (2), identification of
Account held by nonparticipating FFI. For calendar
the ODFFI and specified U.S. person (name, address,
years 2015 and 2016, with respect to a nonparticipating
and TIN), total of all withholdable payments made to the
FFI receiving a payment of a foreign reportable amount,
ODFFI, account balance or value, and such other
identification of the nonparticipating FFI (name, address,
information as may be required on Form 8966 or by these
and TIN), account number and total payments of foreign
instructions. See Regulations section 1.1474-1(i)(2).
reportable amounts made to the nonparticipating FFI
Amounts paid to a passive NFFE. With respect to a
(either divided by type of payment or as one amount as
passive NFFE payee, on a separate Form 8966 for each
set forth in Part IV, lines 4a through 4d). As an alternative
specified U.S. person that is a substantial U.S. owner (or,
to reporting foreign reportable amounts, the PFFI
in the case of a Reporting Model 2 FFI, controlling
(including a Reporting Model 2 FFI) may instead report all
person), identification of the NFFE and each substantial
income, gross proceeds, and redemptions (regardless of
U.S. owner (name, address, and TIN), total of all
source) paid to the nonparticipating FFI during the
withholdable payments made to the NFFE, and such other
calendar year. Additionally, if the PFFI (including a
information as may be required on Form 8966 or by these
Reporting Model 2 FFI) reports accounts held by
instructions. See Regulations section 1.1474-1(i)(1). A
nonparticipating FFIs in reporting pools rather than
withholding agent is not required to report information on a
specifically reporting payments to each nonparticipating
passive NFFE with a substantial U.S. owner (or, in the
FFI (see Accounts for which pooled reporting is
case of a withholding agent that is a Reporting Model 2
permitted), the PFFI (including a Reporting Model 2 FFI)
FFI, a controlling person) if it receives a withholding
may report the total of all foreign reportable amounts or all
statement from a PFFI (including a Reporting Model 2 FFI)
income, gross proceeds, and redemptions (regardless of
or a Reporting Model 1 FFI receiving the withholdable
source) paid to accounts held by nonparticipating FFIs,
payment allocable to the passive NFFE on which the FFI
and the aggregate number of accounts included in the
certifies that it is reporting the passive NFFE as a U.S.
pooled report. See Part V.
account under the terms of the FFI agreement or
Accounts held by recalcitrant account holders.
applicable IGA and the withholding agent does not have
Report the number of accounts included in the reporting
reason to know that the certification is incorrect or
pool and the aggregate account balance or value for such
Specific Instructions
Transitional Account Information Reporting
Rules for 2015
Before You Begin
For calendar year 2015, report all the foregoing
There are five parts to Form 8966. A filer completes only
information, including any enumerated payments made
the relevant parts of the form applicable for that filer, as
with respect to the account as described in Part IV, lines
set forth in the following chart.
4a, 4b, and 4d, except certain gross proceeds described
in Part IV, line 4c. See Regulations section 1.1471-4(d)(7)
Instructions for Form 8966 (2015)


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