Instructions For Form 8621-A - Return By A Shareholder Making Certain Late Elections To End Treatment As A Passive Foreign Investment Company Page 4


income tax return for the tax year to which an
Special Rules
Add the amounts allocated to the tax
years before the foreign corporation became
increase in tax is attributable and ending with
For purposes of this election, the following
the due date (without regard to extensions)
a PFIC (pre-PFIC years) and amounts
of your income tax return for the election
allocated to the election year. Enter the sum
The basis of the shareholder's stock is
on line 10.
increased by the gain recognized on the
With respect to the amounts allocated to
Lines 18 and 19
deemed sale. The manner in which the basis
each tax year in your holding period other
adjustment is made depends on whether the
The line 18 subtotal represents all amounts
than the election year and the pre-PFIC
shareholder is a direct or indirect
due as of the due date (without regard to
years, see the instructions for line 14.
shareholder. See Regulations section
extensions) of the shareholder's income tax
return for the election year. The shareholder
Lines 11 and 12
For purposes of the PFIC rules only, the
making the late deemed dividend or late
shareholder's new holding period begins on
The shareholder's income tax liability is
deemed sale election must pay additional
the CFC qualification date.
generally the amount shown on the “total tax”
interest on the amount on line 18 from the
line of the return.
The election may be made for stock on
due date (without regard to extensions) of its
which the shareholder will realize a loss, but
income tax return for the election year up to
Line 14
that loss cannot be recognized. In addition,
and including the date the Form 8621-A and
Determine the increase in tax for each tax
there is no basis adjustment for a loss.
payment are filed with the IRS. Include this
year in your holding period other than the
interest amount on line 19.
election year and pre-PFIC years (i.e., for
How To Make the Election
each PFIC year). An increase in tax is
Closing Agreement
To make this election, check box D in Part I
determined for each PFIC year by multiplying
If the election year is a closed taxable year,
and complete Part III, lines 5, 6, and 8, and
the part of the distribution or disposition
file the closing agreement on page 3 of the
Part IV.
allocated to each year (see Lines 9b and 10,
form in duplicate. Both copies must contain
earlier) by the highest rate of tax under
original signatures. Photocopies of
For more information on making Election
section 1 or section 11, whichever applies, in
signatures are not acceptable. The closing
D, see Regulations sections 1.1297-3(b) and
effect for that tax year. Add the increases in
agreement on page 3 of the actual form you
tax computed for all PFIC years. Enter the
file is the IRS copy. The photocopy of the
aggregate increases in tax (before credits)
closing agreement that you attach to the
on line 14.
Part IV. Computation of
4-page form is the taxpayer copy. Write
Line 15
Tax and Interest Due
“Taxpayer Copy” in the upper margin of this
copy. File the taxpayer copy as the first
To figure the foreign tax credit, figure the
Line 9a
attachment after the 4-page form. The
total creditable foreign taxes attributable to
taxpayer copy will be returned to you after an
the excess distribution (line 9a) amount. This
Enter the amount treated as an excess
authorized IRS official has signed it.
amount includes, for 10% or greater
distribution under the deemed dividend or
corporate shareholders, any taxes deemed
Identifying number. Individuals should
deemed sale election. This amount is:
paid under section 902. Both the direct and
enter a social security number or a taxpayer
In the case of a former PFIC making a
indirect foreign taxes must be creditable
identification number issued by the IRS. All
deemed dividend election, the amount on
under general foreign tax credit principles
other entities must enter an employer
line 3 of Part II.
and the shareholder must choose to claim
identification number.
In the case of a former PFIC making a
the foreign tax credit.
deemed sale election, the amount on line 4
Balance Sheet
of Part II.
The excess distribution taxes (the
In the case of a Section 1297(e) PFIC
creditable foreign taxes attributable to an
If the shareholder is making a late deemed
making a deemed dividend, the amount on
excess distribution) are allocated in the
sale election with respect to a former PFIC or
line 7 of Part III.
same manner as the excess distribution is
a Section 1297(e) PFIC (Election B or D) the
In the case of a Section 1297(e) PFIC
allocated. See the instructions for Lines 9b
shareholder is required to complete the
making a deemed sale election, the amount
and 10 and Line 14, earlier. Those taxes
balance sheet on page 4 of Form 8621-A.
on line 8 of Part III.
allocated to pre-PFIC tax years and the
election year are taken into account for the
Note. If the PFIC uses the U.S. dollar
Lines 9b and 10
election year under the general rules of the
approximate separate transactions method
Determine the allocation of the excess
foreign tax credit.
of accounting (DASTM), the balance sheet
distribution to all applicable taxable years on
should be prepared and translated into U.S.
The excess distribution taxes allocated to
a separate sheet and attach it to Form
dollars according to Regulations section
a PFIC year only reduce the increase in tax
8621-A. Divide the amount on line 9a by the
1.985-3(d), rather than U.S. GAAP.
figured for that tax year (but not below zero).
number of days in your holding period. The
No carryover of any unused excess
holding period of the stock is treated as
Line 11
distribution taxes is allowed.
ending on:
The termination date, in the case of a
You must attach to Form 8621-A a written
When you dispose of PFIC stock, the
former PFIC making a deemed sale or
narrative for each intangible asset describing
above foreign tax credit rules apply only to
deemed dividend election;
how the asset valuation was determined.
the part of the gain that, without regard to
This narrative must include all pertinent
The CFC qualification date, in the case of
section 1291, would be treated under section
a Section 1297(e) PFIC making a deemed
valuation information including whether the
1248 as a dividend.
sale election; and
valuation was done by a third party. If the
Line 16
valuation was done by a third party, include
The day before the CFC qualification date,
the name and business address of that third
in the case of a Section 1297(e) PFIC
This amount is the aggregate increases in
party in the narrative.
making a deemed dividend election.
taxes on the excess distribution within the
meaning of section 1291(c)(2).
Determine the amount allocable to each
Disclosure, Privacy Act, and Paperwork
tax year in your holding period by adding the
Line 17
Reduction Act Notice. We ask for the
amounts allocated to the days in each such
information on this form to carry out the
Compute the interest on each net increase in
tax year. Then:
Internal Revenue laws of the United States.
tax for the period beginning on the due date
Sections 6001, 6011, 6012(a), 6103, and
(without regard to extensions) of your
Instructions for Form 8621-A (Rev. 10-2015)


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