Instructions For Form 8621-A - Return By A Shareholder Making Certain Late Elections To End Treatment As A Passive Foreign Investment Company Page 2


shareholder's holding period in the foreign
are held for the production of passive
Part I. Elections
corporation begins, as determined under
section 1297(d) (CFC overlap rule), and
Election A. Late Deemed
Basis for measuring assets. When
2. The stock of the foreign corporation
Dividend Election With Respect
determining PFIC status using the asset test,
held by the shareholder is treated as stock of
a foreign corporation may use adjusted basis
to a Former PFIC
a PFIC, under section 1298(b)(1), because,
at any time during the shareholder's holding
This is a deemed dividend election under
1. The corporation is not publicly traded
period of the stock, other than the qualified
section 1298(b)(1) that is made with respect
for the taxable year and
portion, the corporation was a PFIC that was
to a former PFIC after the time prescribed in
not a QEF.
2. The corporation (a) is a CFC or (b)
Regulations section 1.1298-3(c)(4) has
makes an election to use adjusted basis.
Election Year
Publicly traded corporations must use fair
In the case of a former PFIC, the election
market value when determining PFIC status
Who May Make the Election
year is the taxable year of the electing
using the asset test.
shareholder that includes the termination
This election may be made by a U.S. person
that is a shareholder of a foreign corporation
Look-thru rule. When determining if a
In the case of a Section 1297(e) PFIC, the
that is a former PFIC with respect to such
foreign corporation that owns at least 25%
election year is the taxable year of the
shareholder provided the foreign corporation
(by value) of another corporation is a PFIC,
electing shareholder that includes the CFC
was a CFC during the last taxable year as a
the foreign corporation is treated as if it held
qualification date.
a proportionate share of the assets and
received directly its proportionate share of
Former PFIC
the income of the 25%-or-more owned
Effect of Election
A foreign corporation is a former PFIC with
respect to the shareholder if the corporation
A shareholder making this election is treated
Qualified Electing Fund (QEF)
satisfies neither the income test nor the asset
as receiving a dividend of its pro rata share
test (described under the definition of PFIC
of the post-1986 earnings and profits of the
A PFIC is a QEF if the U.S. person who is a
below), but whose stock, held by that
former PFIC on the termination date. The
direct or indirect shareholder of the PFIC
shareholder, is treated as stock of a PFIC,
deemed dividend is taxed under section
elects (under section 1295) to treat the PFIC
under section 1297(b)(1), because at any
1291 as an excess distribution, allocated
as a QEF. See the instructions for Form 8621
time during the shareholder's holding period
only to the days in the shareholder's holding
for more information.
of the stock the corporation was a PFIC
period during which the foreign corporation
(under the income or asset test of section
qualified as a PFIC. For this purpose, the
1297(a) described below) that was not a
shareholder's holding period ends on the
A shareholder is a U.S. person that is a
qualified electing fund (QEF), and the
termination date. After the deemed dividend
direct or indirect shareholder of the foreign
shareholder has not made a mark-to-market
election, the shareholder's stock is not
corporation. See Indirect shareholder,
election with respect to the PFIC.
treated as stock in a PFIC unless the foreign
earlier, for definition.
corporation thereafter qualifies as a PFIC.
Indirect shareholder
Termination date
Generally, a U.S. person is an indirect
The termination date is the last day of the
Special Rules
shareholder of a Section 1297(e) PFIC or a
last taxable year of the foreign corporation
For purposes of this election, the following
former PFIC if it is:
during which it qualified as a PFIC under
section 1297(a).
1. A direct or indirect owner of a
The basis of the shareholder's stock is
pass-through entity that is a direct or indirect
increased by the amount of the deemed
shareholder of a Section 1297(e) PFIC or a
Specific Instructions
dividend. The manner in which the basis
former PFIC,
adjustment is made depends on whether the
2. A shareholder of a PFIC that is a
Address and Identifying
shareholder is a direct or indirect
shareholder of a Section 1297(e) PFIC, or a
shareholder. See Regulations section
former PFIC,
3. A 50%-or-more shareholder of a
For purposes of the PFIC rules only, the
Address. Include the suite, room, or other
foreign corporation that is not a PFIC and
shareholder's new holding period begins on
unit number after the street address. If the
that directly or indirectly owns stock of a
the day following the termination date.
Post Office does not deliver mail to the street
Section 1297(e) PFIC or a former PFIC, or
The term “post-1986 earnings and profits”
address and the shareholder has a P.O. box,
means the undistributed earnings and profits
4. A 50%-or-more shareholder of a
enter the box number instead.
of the PFIC (as of the close of the taxable
domestic corporation that owns a section
Identifying number. Individuals should
year that includes the termination date
1291 fund.
enter a social security number or a taxpayer
without reduction for dividends distributed
Passive Foreign Investment
identification number issued by the IRS. All
during the taxable year) accumulated in tax
other entities must enter an employer
years beginning after 1986 during which the
Company (PFIC)
identification number.
CFC was a PFIC and while the shareholder
A foreign corporation is a PFIC if it meets
held the stock.
Shareholder Contact Information. If the
either the income or asset test described
person to contact with respect to Form
Line 3 Attachment
8621-A is the taxpayer, enter “Same” in the
1. Income test. 75% or more of the
entry space for the name. If the person to
The shareholder must attach a statement to
corporation's gross income for its taxable
contact with respect to Form 8621-A is a
Form 8621-A that shows the calculation of its
year is passive income (as defined in section
person other than the taxpayer, enter the
pro rata share of the post-1986 earnings and
information requested and attach Form
profits of the former PFIC that is treated as
2. Asset test. At least 50% of the
distributed to the shareholder on the
average percentage of assets (determined
termination date. The post-1986 earnings
under section 1297(e)) held by the foreign
and profits may be reduced (but not below
corporation during the taxable year are
zero) by the amount that the shareholder
assets that produce passive income or that
satisfactorily shows was previously included
Instructions for Form 8621-A (Rev. 10-2015)


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