Transformations Of Quadratic Functions Worksheet Page 3


Name: _____________________________________________________________
Date: _________________________
Period: ______
Transformations of Absolute Value Graphs:
Recall the general look of an absolute value graph
Consider �� = | �� |
The general equation of an absolute value graph is �� = ��|�� + ��| + ��
��: Tells you if the V opens up or down
 + ��
opens up
opens down
��: Shifts the V left and right
shifts left
�� + ��
shifts right
�� − ��
��: Shifts the V up or down
shifts up
+ ��
shifts down
− ��
(…notice the similarities between the rules for quadratics…)
Describe the shift of each absolute value graph below.
1) �� = 4|�� + 5| + 2
2) �� = −1|�� − 3| − 4
3) �� = |�� + 7| − 8
4) �� = −2|�� − 2| + 3


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