Faculty Supervised Writing Approval Form


Faculty Supervised Writing Approval Form
To earn two credits and satisfy a J.D. graduation writing requirement, a law review article or
independent study paper must be supervised and graded by a member of the full-time
faculty. These papers are typically 30-40 pages and involve multiple drafts, incorporating
faculty feedback into subsequent draft(s). See ABA Standard 303(a)(2) and Interpretation
This form must be fully executed before a student will be enrolled in supervised writing.
Paper Topic: _________________________________________________________________
Law Review (if so, which law review): _______________________________________
Individual Research
The undersigned student and faculty member have agreed that the student will undertake an
independent writing project under the faculty member’s supervision. Three-credit independent writing
projects must be submitted for Decanal approval through the Registrar’s Office.
*The professor will deliver to the Registrar the Supervised Writing Completion Form, the final version
of the student’s project and the grade to be recorded.
Student’s Signature
Professor’s Signature
Name: ________________________________
Name: _________________________________
C-number: _____________________________
Preferred E-mail: ________________________
Date: _________________________________
In the final semester before graduation all faculty-supervised written work must be completed by:
The last day of classes if the student is making up an incomplete from a prior semester, or
The last day of exams if the student is completing a paper approved during the final semester of
law school.
If Applying for Three Credits: ______________________________ Date: _________________________
Signature of Dean or Associate Dean
Registrar Office use only:
Date Completed___________________ Initial___________
Course No ______ Course Section____ Credits ______ Writing Credit ______
Paper Received_____ Date________________


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