USAO Lawson Court/Sparks Hall Roommate Preference Form
To assist you in having the best residential experience, it is very important that you are honest with your responses. We will do
our best to match you with your listed preferences based on our availability. For each area below, check the one box that best
applies to you. All information given will remain confidential.
NAME:_________________________________ Age:_________ Hometown:_____________________________
I am a:
New Student
Transfer Student
Returning Student
I already know who I want as roommates. They are:
(roommates must request each other before assignments can be made)
Do you give permission to release your telephone number and email address once you and your roommate have been assigned?
Study Habits: (check all that apply)
In my room
TV off
With music
In the library
TV on
Without music
Sleeping Habits:
Go to bed early
Get up early
Go to bed late
Get up late
Neat freak
Not too messy, not ultra-neat
Messy-can’t see the floor
Smoking (All residence halls and campus buildings are tobacco free)
I am a nonsmoker and I am allergic to smoke or bothered by a roommate who smokes outside
I am a nonsmoker but I am not bothered by a roommate who smokes outside
I am a smoker
Drinking (Residents 21 and over are permitted to consume up to 3.2% proof alcohol)
I do not consume alcohol but I am not bothered by a roommate that drinks
I do not consume alcohol and I am bothered by a roommate that drinks
I consume alcohol
How would you feel about your roommate having an overnight guest stay?
I am open to a roommate who has overnight guests.
I am not open to a roommate who has overnight guests.
How do you feel about your roommate borrowing your personal belongings (clothes, food, toiletries...)?
What’s mine is yours; use whatever you want
You can usually use my things; just ask first
I prefer it if people not use my things
What three words best describe you:_____________________
Optional: I am a _________________________________ major and prefer to be assigned with someone with my major.
*Do you have any medical concerns or physical limitations that would be helpful to know for placement purposes? If yes, please
explain on the back of this page.
*If you have any other preferences, please explain on the back of this page.