Standing Authorization To Transfer Assets Form

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Standing Authorization to Transfer Funds
This is an ongoing authorization to transfer funds from your non-IRA Scottrade
account as requested below.
I hereby authorize Scottrade to initiate transfers from this Scottrade ® account identified in Box 1 below pursuant to these instructions. By completing and signing this form, I (i) am
authorizing Scottrade to honor requests for future, on-demand disbursements from the Scottrade ® account listed in Box 1 without my subsequent signature, if the transfers do not
deviate from the type of withdrawal or recipient specified on this form, and (ii) hereby authorize Scottrade to initiate adjustments for any transfers credited or debited in error. This
authority will remain in effect until I notify Scottrade in writing to cancel this authorization and Scottrade has a reasonable opportunity to make the necessary changes to my
1. SCOTTRADE ACCOUNT INFORMATION: (Funds will be withdrawn from the following non-IRA Scottrade Brokerage or Bank account(s))
Scottrade Account Number
Scottrade Account Title (Name on Account)
Telephone Number
2. WITHDRAWAL PARAMETERS (if applicable):
Start Date:
Expiration Date:
*if no dates are selected, these instructions will be considered valid from initial processing until your written notice to cancel is received
3. ALTERNATE PAYEE CHECK REQUEST INSTRUCTIONS: (Applicable for Scottrade Brokerage accounts only- for overnight delivery fees apply)
Mail to the following alternate payee/address (include payee's full name and complete address)
4. WIRE TRANSFER INSTRUCTIONS: (Fees will apply - see below. International wire transfers only available for Scottrade Brokerage Accounts)
Name of Receiving Bank or Financial Institution
Receiving Bank's Routing Number (9-digits) or SWIFT Code
Complete Bank Address:
Recipient's Account Title at the Bank or Financial Institution
("Same" and "Self" are not acceptable)
Recipient's Account Number at the Bank or Financial Institution Recipient's Street Address (Please No P.O. Boxes)
City (or Province/Country)
ZIP Plus 4
Relationship to Recipient (If other than "self", include reason for request):
Reason for Request:
FOR FURTHER CREDIT (if applicable): Account Title and Number at Receiving Institution and Recipient's Street Address (City, State, Zip Plus 4)
5. INTERNAL TRANSFER INFORMATION: (Funds transfers from the Scottrade Account in Box 1 to the following Scottrade account(s))
Scottrade Account Number
Title of Receiving Scottrade Account
Scottrade Account Number
Title of Receiving Scottrade Account
Scottrade Account Number
Title of Receiving Scottrade Account
Please note that if you are wiring to a third party or international recipient, a valid, non-expired, government-issued ID must be submitted with the request.
I acknowledge that this authority will remain in effect until cancelled by me in writing. I understand I can submit my written notice to cancel these instructions to Scottrade, Inc. at P.O. Box
31759, St. Louis, MO 63131-0759 at any time. I further acknowledge that (i) fees will apply with any check request or wire transfer and I am aware of, and accept, the amounts of those fees,
which have been made available to me for my review at (ii) failure to provide authorized account holder(s) signatures may cause a delay in a transfer; (iii) if the account
does not have sufficient funds to cover any requested transfer, Scottrade may not complete the withdrawal; (iv) If Scottrade receives my payment order after the end of the applicable processing
day cutoff time, or on a Saturday, Sunday or holiday, it may be processed on the next funds-transfer business day; (v) for security purposes, Scottrade shall require successful verification of any
transfers prior to processing a request, and as such I am responsible for maintaining current contact information on my account; (vi) for wires, intermediary and receiving institutions may charge
additional fees and I could lose the entire transfer amount if account number or routing number information is incorrect.
In conjunction with cancellation or change requests initiated by me, I agree to hold Scottrade harmless from all claims, losses, actions and damages, if Scottrade attempts (successfully or
otherwise) to comply with my cancellation or change request. I agree to notify Scottrade immediately if I notice any discrepancy involving the posting of my payment order or if I discover a
problem with my transfer. In order to address discrepancies, I must notify Scottrade of the problem and including a statement of the relevant facts, within a reasonable time from the date I first
discover the problem.
I hereby agree to indemnify Scottrade, its affiliates, successors, assigns, officers, directors, agents, and employees, and hold them free and harmless from and to promptly pay Scottrade upon
demand for, any and all losses, liabilities, claims, damages, and costs (including reasonable attorney fees) or financial obligations that may arise as a result of Scottrade's reliance on the
information provided in this document, and from acting upon instructions believed by Scottrade to have originated with me. This indemnity is in addition to, and no way limits or restricts any
rights or responsibilities that have been made under any other agreement between me and Scottrade.
Account Holder's Signature
Joint Account Holder's Signature
Signature Verification via
Signature Page
Scottrade, Inc. - Member
Scottrade Bank - Member
Associate Initials


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