General Permission Slip Form
I, ____________________________ grant permission for my child
_________________________, to participate in any field trips with New Life Child Development
Center. This includes, but is not limited to walks, riding in a vehicle operated by NLCDC staff or
parent volunteers, hikes and bike rides around the area. I understand that I will be notified in
advance when a field trip is planned away from the center. I understand that every precaution
will be made to keep the children safe at all times. However if an accident does happen I will
assume all responsibility medically and financially. The staff will take all necessary measures as
outlined in the parent handbook in the case of an accident or emergency. Staff with current
CPR/ First Aid including pediatric, will be present on all outings. Fully stocked first aid kits are
present in all vehicles that transport children.
Signed by parent ___________________________ date ________________
Photo/ Video permission
Childs Name ___________________________
By signing this permission form you are acknowledging that while your child is in our facility, on
field trips, or participating in NLCDC sponsored activities they may be photographed and/ or
videotaped. Photos and videos may be taken by staff, parent volunteers and others that are
present during the activity. Pictures are used for classroom display, portfolios, parent
programs, and occasional advertisement. NLCDC has a Facebook page and website as well. If
you do not wish your child to be posted on the web or in any other of the above mentioned
ways please indicate and initial on this form.
Circle one:
(Yes) I give my permission for staff and / or parent s of NLCDC to photograph and/ or video my
child during center events and daily activities.
(No) I do not want my child in any videos or photos while at NLCDC.
Signature ____________________________________Date _________________
Print Name Here ______________________________